Monday, October 31, 2016

Evan McMullin & Mindy Finn sound like folks I would trust

I am one of those who has been tearing his hair out of late over the depressing choice of presidential hopefuls we face.  I have decided that I cannot in good conscience cast a vote for Clinton (due to the continuous whirlwind of uncertainty around her ethics), Trump (due to his unstable temperament and lack of understanding of any and all things Presidential), Johnson (due to his libertarianism, which I oppose--although Bill Weld seems like a sensible guy), or Stein (too, too, too liberal for a down-home conservative like me).  So, I am now throwing my support behind a guy who seems to me like a genuine straight-shooter and a real conservative (but a compassionate one):  Evan McMullin.

You no doubt have heard little or nothing about him.  So, let me share with you a brief email I received from his campaign.  I hope you will have a look at their credentials and see if you don't find McMullin and his running mate Mindy Finn to be the most appealing pair in the race:


Americans want candidates they can vote for: principled, patriotic, with a positive vision for the future.

Those candidates are Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn.

Evan's entire career — from CIA operative, to investment banker, to chief policy director of the House GOP — has been in service to this nation and the institutions that drive it.

 Mindy is the founder and president of Empowered Women, a bi-partisan organization that gives voice to a bold, new generation of American women in civic life. She has served as an advisor to the Republican National Committee, President George W. Bush, and Governor Mitt Romney; and developed business partnerships for Twitter. She has spent her career in service to the conservative movement and expanding it so it works for every American.

 When Americans were faced with two of the least qualified presidential candidates in modern history, Evan and Mindy knew they couldn't stand on the sidelines anymore. They stepped up and decided to pursue the cause of American renewal and to give Americans leaders who will put country over power, selflessness over worship of self, and principle over popularity.

But they can't do it alone — your support is what powers this campaign.

There is a better path, a better ticket, and a better future for America — and it starts with you. Elections are won by those who stand up. You can help us win by organizing your community.

Thank you for stepping up!
Joel Searby
 Chief Strategist
 McMullin for President

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