Monday, February 9, 2015

Finally, the war against Isis is beginning to have a Muslim face

It's time for the whole world, every nation and every culture, to unite behind the Jordanians in an all-out counter-assault against those criminal marauders, unleashing all the power we can collectively muster. But it has to be the Muslims leading the way.  It is their fight.  It is the name of their religion that is being dragged through the mud, and it is mostly their innocent people who are being killed.  It needs to be the Jordanians, the Saudis, and the other Islamic nations on the front line with their boots on the ground...with the U.S. and the rest of the coalition lurking behind to provide funding and support.

There is nothing remotely religious about those this is not a holy war. But, for anyone who has ever wondered what WWIII will look like, this could be it.

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