Now that it looks fairly certain that our next president will be Hillary, it is time to rise above all the political hostilities and silliness and get to work making American even greater. Some of you are bound to keep right on spewing hatred and anger and indulging in childish name-calling and disregard for civility. And, much as we love you, you are not helping. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
As I see it, this is the perfect time for sensible, rational moderates (including both moderate progressives and moderate conservatives), the ones with cool heads, wisdom and understanding, to take back our country. If we don't like what the new president stands for, let's mount a reasonable effort against those policies; but let's do it peaceably, methodically and with smiles on our faces. Our attitude adjustment goes like this:
(1) We must concede that neither the current president nor the newly elected one is a crook, or evil, or a liar...but rather a decent, patriotic American who may have blatant character flaws (as we all do) and lots of ideas we disagree with, but is nonetheless bent on doing what they earnestly believe is best for the country--and, if we truly believe in our nation, we will be respectful of the president, our democratic process, and the office of POTUS;
(2) We must kick to the curb and shut off the mic on any extremist or big-mouth who continues to talk hatred, bigotry, hubris, or unproven, unsubstantiated nonsense--whether on the airwaves, in Washington DC, on social media, or in our own communities--and remind them that badmouthing our system or our leaders is badmouthng the USA and helping our enemies;
(3) We must hold the news media's feet to the fire, make them understand that the times we live in are too complicated to have everything reduced to the level of a reaility show, and force them to get back to honest, unbiased, professional journalism; and
(4) We must fix the two-party system, even if it means abandoning the old dysfunctional Republican and Democrat parties and forming some new ones that are more in tune with the needs of ordinary disgruntled working-class people.
I am eager to join with anyone who agrees with me on this...and I will fight back against anyone who plans to keep right on being obstructive and dragging our country down with obnoxious bs. Just sayin'...
[---Join me each week for a 15-minute audio podcast with music & light-hearted commentary---]
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