Monday, May 23, 2016

Advanced Christology: The next level in following (and understanding) Jesus

Even the twelve didn't get what he was trying to teach them; indeed, in the end, most simply abandoned him, confused, and returned to their ordinary lives.  So, what was he really about?  Paul wrote in I Corinthians that he and his followers worshipped Christ crucified.  But, maybe he was just like all the many thousands of the 'other' disciples who lacked the wisdom to truly grasp the message.  According to legends and lore, there might have been a lot more to the historical Jesus than even practicing Christians know.  In the meadow, we seek to get past the parables and get to know Jesus as he really was and to follow his teachings.   

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Unprincipled Sandersites & Trumpites: A pox on both their houses!

The unruly, uncivilized nonsense displayed at yesterday's Democratic convention in Nevada, mostly by Bernie Sanders supporters, demonstrates exactly what alarms ordinary folks like me the most: the inescapable fact that there is a contingent of populist agitators within the Sanders camp that is turning out to be every bit as bad as Trump's bunch.

Don't get me wrong. Bernie Sanders is an honorable public service, intelligent and likeable. Most of his supporters are clearly good and decent Americans who, like those who support Trump, are fed up with the way things are going and simply want change and a better country. But they are not the ones making all the racket.

What we are seeing and hearing is the scum rising to the surface, the worst of us, the very lowest element in our society---ill-bred people who have grown up without learning any basic values; who laugh at virtue; who have no concept of what it means to respect those who disagree with them; who have grown up demanding the world on a platter and have been indoctrinated by the culture of their peers to selfishly thrash about and whine like a toddler, and throw a temper tantrum whenever the world dares deny them their toys.

Anyone who has ever scrolled down to the "comments" section below a news story online, or a blog, or a YouTube video knows exactly what I am talking about. All those degenerates who call people names, curse, bash, and put their narcissism, bigotry and ignorance on display for all to see are just the most obvious examples of how far our electronically-connected civilization seems to have plunged toward what I fear is a looming new Dark Age.

I would hope that most of you all, the folks I know and love, are not part of that crowd, and I would urge those of you who are of good heart, goodwill and good nature to let your wisdom and virtuous approach to living lead you quickly away from the angry mobs of radicalized hooligans who are threatening to subvert the beauty and integrity of the United States of America by blindly falling in with those gangs of political agitators who idolize and worship misguided leaders with misguided visions for our future.