Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trumpism: Emblematic of our crass reality show culture?

I have this idea--perhaps mistaken (or not)--that Trump, being a seasoned reality show star, more or less represents contemporary pop culture to a segment of the public that lives and breathes that sort of cheesiness.  Could that be the secret to his popularity? I wonder... If someone were to go out on the street with a questionnaire querying people about their daily lifestyle and values, would the gung-ho Trump folks answer a lot differently than the anti-Trump folks?  Let's try it as an experiment.  You already know where you stand on Trump as being totally awesome, or totally worthless.  Now, let's see how you might answer said questionnaire. 

Let's say the questioning went a little like this:  When you are talking to your kids around home, are things like off-color humor, drinking, and guns considered no big deal--or the kind of things your family frowns on? Do you typically watch a TV show at least once a week that features "real" people doing dangerous, stupid or off-the-wall antics? Do you watch any shows where sexual innuendo, cursing or bleeped cursing are taken with a grain of salt--or, in fact, make the show more entertaining? Do you get a kick out of watching someone get dissed, humiliated, or expelled from the competition by their peers, a panel of judges, or the viewing public? Is watching and enjoying these shows an ordinary family affair around your house--no big deal if the kids want to watch? Do you have sons (or daughters) who routinely play any kind of video games where someone kills someone else?

Good, now try these:  Do you know which Kardashian or Duck Dynasty person is which, and could you identify them in photos? Do you have certain times and situations where you make your kids ditch their phones or turn them off? Do you pray, discuss religious matters, or watch religious TV shows in your home with your family at least once a week? Would your kids get grounded for calling someone a dirty or tacky name? Do you know what kind of t-shirts your kids have in their closets? Would you stop them from wearing attire that promotes violence, drugs or sexual promiscuity, or musical artists whose music promotes such...or that imitates the "look" of a rap artist or other sports or entertainment figure who is famous for vulgarity or bad taste? End of quiz.

I'm not trying to be judgemental here...although I will admit that I lean toward the traditionalist (and anti-Trump) side. My point, however, is this: I wonder if Trump represents a modern lifestyle that his fans consider perfectly normal and okay...but which more staid, traditional folks consider appalling. I dunno. But I suspect there may be some of that going on. Someone needs to do the research...because I am very curious as to whether I should be fighting back against Trumpism, or against Western civilization.